Sunday, October 14, 2012

Phaco Training Course at India's SuVi Eye Institute & Research Center, Kota, India


Dear Friends, We invite you to visit our Center- SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, C 13 Talwandi, Kota, Rajasthan, India ( for short-term training of Phacoemulsification technique. Please  watch various cases of phaco surgery at YouTube:

Phaco Training- Dr. MQ  from Azerbaijan during his visit to SuVi Eye Institute, Kota, India.

We at SuVi Eye Institute, Kota, India ( offer one of the best Phaco Training course in India. The phaco course is tailor-made to suit the needs of the individual surgeon based on their skills. This step by step course will give the surgeons confidence to perform phaco surgeries independently after the completion of the course.

Advanced instrumentation and experienced Faculty are available in our training centre. Our Center is equipped with state of the art ophthalmic equipment with cutting edge technology. We have AMO Signature phacoemulsification system with Ellips FX transversal ultrasound, 2 AMO Sovereign Compact phaco machines with WhiteStar Technolgy, and one Alcon Legacy phaco machine.
A friendly surrounding highly personalized and customized training, always ready to help - enthusiastic staff in operating room, experienced team of surgeons/trainers … the end of phaco training you are a changed SURGEON… wearing a new attitude & confidence!
Details of Courses available:
A.  Basic Phaco Course for routine cataract cases.
B.   Advanced Phaco Course for complex cases such as black cataract, sub-luxated cataract, traumatic cataract with torn capsules, posterior polar cataract, hyper-mature cataract, small pupil, PXF, IFIS, pediatric and infantile cataract surgery, etc.
Duration of the Phaco Course
The Phaco course duration ranges from 1 week to 4 weeks. The duration can be tailor made according to the needs of individual surgeons.
Introduction of Phaco Course
Trainees will be taken through a introductory course in the initial period. They will be made to observe surgeries performed by experienced surgeons to have a better understanding of the procedure. The candidates will gain theoretical knowledge about the fluidics/Phaco Dynamics during the introductory period. Every day the trainee is trained in preoperative assessment and postoperative management of the patients too under the guidance of a senior consultant. In the event of a complication the trainee will be with the consultant to see how it is being managed with post operative care. The candidate will be provided a log book where they can record all their cases, complications, etc.
Training of Basics Skills
We encourage surgeon to perform phacoemulsification in topical anesthesia. The trainee surgeons will learn the following steps in the first 2 days. The training will be one on one so that more attention can be given to each trainee surgeon. The surgeons who train are senior faculty who have done more than several thousands phaco surgery.

1) Clear Corneal Incision (Depends on the skill level of the trainees)
2) Anterior Capsulorhexis
3) Phaco Trenching
4) Phaco Chopping
5) Irrigation and Aspiration
6) Foldable IOL Implantation
7) Stromal Hydration and Intracameral Injection of Antibiotics

All phaco surgeries will be recorded and trainee surgeons will have the chance to see the videos at the end of the day to understand the process and perfect their skills.

Periodical Evaluation
The surgeons would be evaluated in the midst of the course. They can also observe video recordings of their own surgeries and can correct mistakes, if any.
Advanced Phaco Course
Trainees will learn the following in Advanced Course.

1) The Direct Chop (Quick chop)
2) Bimanual Irrigation and Aspiration
3) Implantation of Foldable Lenses.
4) Usage of Capsular Tension Rings/Capsular Tension Segments
5) Used of Premium IOL (Multifocal/Toric, accommodative)

6. Piggyback IOL Implantation
7. Secondary IOL Implantation (Sutureless)
8. Infantile and Pediatric Cataract Surgery
Certification of Phaco Course
All the trainees’ receive a signed Certificate at the end of the phaco course done at our center.
Based on availability, we offer accommodation within the hospital premises and also breakfast, snacks, working lunch, soft drinks, mineral water, laundry, transport etc. Staying in the campus premises may reduce stress. We provide transport within city limits.
International Applicants can fly to JAIPUR, Rajasthan or to New Delhi. The most convenient way to reach Kota (from Jaipur or from Delhi) is to travel by train (about 5 hours journey) to reach Kota, Rajasthan.
From India, Kota is well connected by train (Delhi Mumbai track).
Please write to and send us your biodate and durationyou will like to come  for training. Once we receive your biodata we will provide you details about course fees etc.
For Further Enquiry, Please contact: Dr Suresh K Pandey
Director, SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Centre,
C 13 Talwandi, KOTA, RAJ., INDIA
Ph: +(91) - 744- 2433575,
+(91) 93514-12449 (mobile)
Visiting Assistant Professor
John A Moran Eye Center
University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Sydney Eye Hospital, University of Sydney, Australia 

Brief Bio-sketch of Dr Suresh K Pandey-
Director- Suvi Eye Institute and Research Center, VISX™ Advanced CustomVue™ Lasik Laser Center,  
C 13 Talwandi, Kota, Rajasthan, India
Phone +91 (744) 2433575; +91 9351412449; 

A medical graduate of Rani Durgawati University, Medical College, Jabalpur, M.P., India; Dr. Suresh K Pandey completed his residency in Ophthalmology from prestigious Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India. He worked at Storm Eye Institute, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA, John A Moran Eye Center, University of Utah, USA & Sydney Eye Hospital, Save Sight Institute, University of Sydney, Australia from1998 to 2006. Dr. Pandey returned to India in 2006 to establish SuVi Eye Institute and Research Center at Kota, Rajasthan, India (
Dr. Pandey has presented more than 150 scientific papers in various international ophthalmological meetings and authored more than 100 scientific papers/communications, 50 textbook chapters, and 10 ophthalmic textbooks. Dr. Pandey’s book on Pediatric Cataract Surgery (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, USA) remains the bestseller on this topic. Dr. Pandey was invited to demonstrate Live Surgery at international meeting at Milan, Italy and Annual meeting of Delhi Ophthalmological Society (DOS), New Delhi, India.
Dr. Pandey received several prestigious awards for his research & surgical innovations, which include Best-of-Show Video Award, Best Poster Award, Best-Paper-of-the-Session Award for the surgical videos, scientific posters and papers in the national and international ophthalmology congresses including ASCRS, ESCRS, AAO, & APACRS. Dr. Pandey has received Achievement Award by the American Academy of Ophthalmology in the year 2002.
Dr. Pandey can be reached at Suvi Eye Institute and Research Center, VISX™ Advanced CustomVue™ Lasik Laser Center, C 13 Talwandi, Kota, Rajasthan, India; Phone +91 (744) 2433575; +91 9351412449;     E-mail-,
Dr. Suresh Pandey’s surgical video can be viewed at

