Saturday, June 8, 2024

Five Lessons from Lost Connections by Johann Hari (Author) 1. Reframe depression and anxiety as signals: Understand that mental health struggles are not just chemical imbalances, but also signals that something in our lives needs to change. 2. Connection is key: Recognize that meaningful connections with others, ourselves, and the natural world are essential for our well-being. 3. The opposite of addiction is connection: Understand that addiction is often a substitute for missing connections and that building connections can help overcome addiction. 4. Focus on the root causes: Instead of just treating symptoms, explore the underlying causes of mental health struggles, such as trauma, lack of purpose, or social isolation. 5. Healing is possible: Embrace the possibility of recovery and healing, and recognize that our brains and minds are capable of rewiring and adapting throughout life. #LostConnections #JohannHari #DrSureshKPandeyKota #SuViEyeHospitalKota #DrVidushiSharma #SuViEyeHospitalLasikLaserCenterKota

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