Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Secrets of Successful Doctors: A Complete Guide Fulfilling Medical Career

Are you a medical aspirant?
Are you a medical student? 
Are you a young doctor who wants to be successful in your profession? 

Secrets of Successful Doctors: A Complete Guide to a Fulfilling Medical Career 
is a book written by the world renowned eye surgeon Dr. Suresh K Pandey (SuVi Eye Institute, Kota, Rajasthan, India) with the sheer purpose of facilitating the professional life of medical students and young medical professionals. This book endeavours to offer an in-depth analysis of the hurdles faced by medical students, and young and practicing doctors at various stages of their medical career, and how they can effectively make through those. Divided into four parts, the book emphasizes on how a medical student can make a stable entry into the medical world, strengthen their position as a successful doctor in the medical profession, and face national and global medical challenges efficiently. 

Publisher: Maple Press (Pblishing Division), Noida, India

There are 2 ways to buy this book: 
1. You can email me and send Rs 250 by Paytm and we will send you the book.
 2. You can order from Amazon 
Here is the link:

Dr. Suresh K Pandey
Bio-sketch of Dr Suresh K Pandey
President Kota Division Ophthalmological Society, 
Vice President, Indian Medical Association, KOTA
Director, SuVI Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, KOTA
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Utah, USA &
University of Sydney, Australia,
Phone 9351412449

A medical graduate of Rani Durgawati University, Medical College, Jabalpur,
M.P., India; Dr. Pandey completed his residency in Ophthalmology from
prestigious Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh,
India. He worked at Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA,
University of Utah, USA & Sydney Eye Hospital, Save Sight Institute, University
of Sydney, Australia from1998 to 2006. Dr. Pandey returned to India in 2006 to
establish SuVi Eye Institute and Research Center at Kota, Rajasthan, India .
Dr. Pandey has presented more than 150 scientific papers in various international
ophthalmological meetings and authored more than 100 scientific
papers/communications, 50 textbook chapters, and 10 ophthalmic textbooks
including a book on Dry Eye and Ocular Surface Disorders. Dr. Pandey’s book on
Pediatric Cataract Surgery (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, USA) remains the
bestseller on this topic. In 2005, Dr. Pandey demonstrated Live Surgery at
international and national ophthalmic conferences. Dr. Pandey received several
prestigious awards for his research & surgical innovations, which include Best-of-
Show Video Award, Best Poster Award, Best-Paper-of-the-Session Award for the
surgical videos, scientific posters and papers in the national and international
ophthalmology congresses. Dr. Pandey has been selected for Achievement
Award by the American Academy of Ophthalmology in 2002.

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